Work Packages
WP 1 – Needs analysis
1.2. Regional and EU action plans and strategies report (DOWNLOAD)
1.3. and 1.4. Farms models and Food supply chains analysis (DOWNLOAD)
1.5. Consumers preferences surveys (DOWNLOAD)
1.6. City-adjusted farm strategies in B&H, MN and XK (DOWNLOAD)
1.7. Partners HEIs infrastructure and teacher’s assessments (DOWNLOAD)
WP 2 – Curriculum modules and LLL center programs development
WP 3 – Developing capacities and facilities
3.1. Infrastructure and teachings staff assessment (DOWNLOAD)
3.2. Study visits and trainings (DOWNLOAD)
3.3. PBL and EL in competence based learning workshop (DOWNLOAD)
3.4. Distance learning guide, manual and workshop (DOWNLOAD)
3.5. Development of teaching/training tools (DOWNLOAD)
3.6. Purchase and installation of equipment (DOWNLOAD)
WP 4 – Quality assurance and monitoring
WP 5 – Dissemination and exploitation
5.1. Dissemination Strategy (DOWNLOAD)
5.2. Project web site and social media channels (DOWNLOAD)
5.3. Green Entrepreneurship software (LINK) (DOWNLOAD)
5.4. Distance learning platform (LINK) (DOWNLOAD)
5.5. Project promotional materials (DOWNLOAD part1, DOWNLOAD part2, DOWNLOAD part3)
5.6. Scientific contributions (DOWNLOAD)
5.7. Info days, open door day and UA conference
5.8. Interim and final report on dissemination and exploitation (DOWNLOAD)
WP 6 – Project management
6.1. Project management procedures (DOWNLOAD)
6.2. Regular meetings (DOWNLOAD)
6.3. Management and report on the project activities (DOWNLOAD)
6.4. Project finance and administration