University of Sarajevo (UNSA) ranks among the largest universities in the region. UNSA is an oldest public institution in BH. UNSA offers study and research opportunities at 22 Faculties, 3 Academies, 5 Centers, 5 Institutes, with National and University Library, Gazi Husrevbeg Library, National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Student Parliament, with over 100 study programs and over 200 departments.
Faculty of Agriculture Food and Sciences (FAFS) has mission to develop people, ideas, knowledge and practices to support the provision of food, bio-resources and services of high quality, environmentally friendly and reaching high level of sustainability in order to induce development, better quality of life and wellbeing. It has very good IT infrastructure, basic/adequate teaching and researching equipment to provide education on all three academic levels in the area of Agriculture, Food Sciences and Rural development.
University of Mostar “Džemal Bijedić” (UNMO) is public institution founded in 1977. UNMO vision is to create relatively small and flexible university recognizable on Mediterranean and in Europe, with internationally recognized educational programs, to produce new knowledge and technologies to introduce multidisciplinary studies based on modern technologies, and to educate experts for international involvement.
Agromediterranean faculty (AFMO) is established in 1997 due to the specific regional needs for knowledge and skills in the field of specific Mediterranean cultures. AFMO provides education specialized for agricultural production in the agro-ecological conditions of the sub-Mediterranean part of BH with the respect to new techniques and technologies.
University Donja Gorica (UDG) was founded in 2007 as the result of entrepreneurial idea which was developed over the years. UDG mission is to create conditions for studying upon principles of high quality European education.
Faculty of Food Technology, Food Safety and Ecology (FFTFSE) was founded in 2012 with strong support from the main industries in sector of agriculture and food production in Montenegro. In meantime FFTFSE established close cooperation with public and private laboratories, governmental institutions and associations of producers in the country. Strategy at FFTFSE is in accordance with national and European strategy priorities of research and development in the field of production and food safety, biotechnology, ecology and sustainable agriculture.
University of Prishtina (UP) was established in 1969. UP has 13 faculties, where researchers study every day to find new solution to the questions posed by nature, science and society to make its contribution of innovation and progress to the international scientific community and the world of production.
Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary (FAV) was founded 1973. The goal of FAV is education, research and the transfer of knowledge to the economy and public sector. The Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary has its vision of long-term interest of fulfilling the mission and function, creating a new generation perspective, modernization and reform of the education system in Kosovo, regional and European integration in the field of agriculture and agribusiness.
University of Haxhi Zeka in Peja (UHZ) is a descendant of the Faculty of Business and Applied Sciences (FSHAB) in Peja that was established in 1960. Our mission is to contribute to the continuous development and capacity building through preparation of qualified individuals in various fields.
The Agribusiness faculty has three departments: Food and Technology, Agro-environment and Agro-ecology, Crop production technology. This faculty has 796 students and 11 full time Professors and 5 Teaching assistants. There is laboratory inside the facilities. The aim of this faculty is to equip the students with skills and competences that will foster the agro-food industry.
The University of Bologna (UNIBO) was founded in 1088 and is considered to be the oldest university in Western Europe. Nowadays, is one of the most important higher education institutions across Europe with over 90000 enrolled students, 11 Schools, 33 research departments, 6000 employees.
The Department of Agricultural Sciences (DipSA) provides state wide leadership in research, teaching and extension in the subjects of horticulture, crop production, sustainable agricultural systems and environment and applied plant ecology. Its general mission is to develop and deliver educational and research programmes enabling students to become highly skilled and creative graduates, and fostering the adoption of profitable, environmentally sound, and socially responsive agricultural systems. The Research Centre in Urban Environment for Agriculture and Biodiversity (ResCUE-AB) was created at DipSA in 2013 with the aim to turn the city into a widespread laboratory that connects the different experiences of agriculture and urban ecology for a better urban environment.
South-Westphalia University of Applied Sciences (SWUAS) is situated in five cities, offering 50 different bachelor and master courses for 13.000 students. Most of the courses are in mechanical and electrical engineering and microeconomics. The university has actually 176 professors, 800 scientific and non-scientific staff members.
The Department of Agriculture of South Westphalia University of Applied Science situated in Soest has an over 90 year tradition in forming agricultural engineers and agricultural entrepreneurs / farmers, offering a broad and practice oriented curriculum. Currently the department offers a bachelor and a master course in agriculture, covering plant and animal production, agricultural technology and economics, including principles and subjects like sustainable intensification and development, ecology, renewable energies, resource efficiency and ecological production. 13 professors, supported by 30 scientific staff members – mainly financed by research projects – are teaching 500 students and realizing several applied research projects.
University of Ljubljana (UL) was established in 1919 on the foundations of a long-established pedagogical tradition. It is listed amongst the top 500 universities in the world. UL has 21 Faculties, 57,000 students and 5,000 staff.
The common denominator of all academic and scientific disciplines at the Biotechnical Faculty of University of Ljubljana is natural resources (soil, physical space, flora, fauna, and water). The Faculty’s scientific and research work combines basic, applied and developmental research work, enabling the rapid transfer of research results into practice. Centre for Agricultural Land Management and Agrohydrology (CALMA), part of Agronomy Department at the Biotechnical Faculty, is a leading national institution dealing with natural resources management in agricultural landscape and urban food production and pertaining environmental concerns. The staffs encompasses the main areas of land and water management, land use planning, as well as, multifunctionality of agricultural landscape and urban agriculture, and ecosystem services of agricultural ecosystems.