Teaching/training tools
Teaching material for Master BA_ME
3.5. Development of teaching/training tools
Author and coauthors of teaching material for master urbane Agriculture UNSA (DOWNLOAD)
Author and coauthors of LLL teaching material UNSA (DOWNLOAD)
Biogenic Waste menagement (DOWNLOAD)
Dynamic input and climate management in urban agriculture systems using informatics tools (DOWNLOAD)
Entrepreneurship and urban food distribution systems (DOWNLOAD)
Experimental statistic (DOWNLOAD)
Floristry and Landscape Design (DOWNLOAD)
Menažment u urbanoj poljoprivredi (DOWNLOAD)
Plant nutrition and irrigation in UP (DOWNLOAD)
Plant propagation in Urban Agriculture (DOWNLOAD)
Plant Protection in UA (DOWNLOAD)
Precision agriculture and smart food production (DOWNLOAD)
Renewable energy sources (DOWNLOAD)
Scientific work methods (DOWNLOAD)
Sustainable agriculture (DOWNLOAD)
Sustainable cities and eco innovation (DOWNLOAD)
Teaching material for Master UA english
3.5. Development of teaching/training tools
Teching material LLL
3.5. Development of teaching/training tools
Ekonomika UP_Economic of UA (DOWNLOAD)
Osnove UP_Introduction UA (DOWNLOAD)
Prerada voća i povrća_processing of Fruit and Vegetable (DOWNLOAD)
Proizvodnja povrća u UP_UA Vegetable production (DOWNLOAD)