Project comprises six working packages. Initial three working packages are focused on research and development and three are supportive and cross-cutting. All consortium members will be engaged in all working packages contributing to their implementation according their expertise and country of origin. Specific attention is put on the initial project phase when grounds for new curriculum and LLL programs will be set.
WP1 Preparation: Needs analysis
As part of preparation phase, this WP will deliver important information for design of new curriculum and LLL program modules, infrastructure development and teachers trainings. According to national and regional priorities, study contents, learning outcomes and required competences will be defined.
Three experts working groups will be constituted:
- Business and networking,
- Agriculture and food processing, and
- Urban planning, ecology, energy efficiency
In their field of expertise this working groups will analyze present and future knowledge, skills and competence needs by analyzing different strategies, action plans, reports, interviews and surveys regarding UA and related fields for partner countries and EU. With the respect to delivered Research guide two types of methodologies will be used:
- Desktop research: national and EU reports, strategies and action plans. One common report will comprise three national reports. Those reports will include UA international stakeholders, SMEs, farmer’s interviews and surveys.
- Interviews and surveys: UA international stakeholders, SMEs, farmers, consumers about existing food supply chains, consumer’s preferences and farm business models in partner countries. One common report will be delivered for food supply chains, consumer preferences and farm business models.
This WP will deliver information about student and workforce skills, knowledge and competences needs, Strategic document: City adjusted farm strategies will be delivered.
WP2 Development: Curriculum modules and LLL center programs development
This WP comprises the activities necessary for design and implementation of new master study curriculum and LLL programs at partners HEIs. WP will establish 4 expert groups for curriculum writing and ECTS design. WP will develop new study contents based on learning outcomes, to meet national and regional strategies for socio-economic development, entrepreneurial and job markets and urban ecology and efficiency according to the reports delivered in WP1. WP will develop five curriculums for partner HEIs. Curriculum will comprise modules, courses with in modules and modes of courses (basic and advance), assigned ECTS credits and decide on distance learning. WP will propose Module Placement Guide, design Diploma Supplement including competence descriptions according to EUROPASS. In similar fashion WP will propose LLL program structure and courses duration. Since new curriculum and LLL program is based on Competence based learning methodology, Advance Mode Learning Projects Design Guide and Skills and Competence Evaluation Guide will be delivered to assists teachers. Multilateral inter-institutional agreement will be signed between partner HEIs to faster students and teachers virtual and real mobility.
WP3 Development: Developing capacities and facilities
This WP comprises the activities necessary to implement new curriculum and LLL programs at partners HEIs. According to the assessment report, teachers study visits and trainings will be organized at program HEIs. Six trainings for duration of three days will be organized for five teachers from five partner HEIs. 150 teaching staff trainings will be delivered. For partner HEIs two, one day workshops will be organized: PBL and EL in competence based learning and Distance learning. 50 teaching staff will participate in workshops. According to the proposed curriculum equipment and new textbooks, tutorials, scripts and other teaching tools will be provided for partner HEIs. WP will work on curriculum accreditation. During the project life time 5 partner countries HEIs will implement pilot phase of new UA master study curriculum and LLL program. During pilot phase up to 50 students 200 trainees will be enrolled.
WP4 Quality plan: Quality assurance and monitoring
WP activities will establish, implement and deliver internal and external quality assurance, control and monitoring mechanisms to ensure quality of project and results and timely delivery. Assigned Quality Assurance Committee will, according to the establish specific performance indicators monitor and evaluate quality of: deliverables, process, curriculum, dissemination and exploitation of project results and budget realization. Expert peer reviewers, two external evaluations and one cost verification will assess the quality of curriculum, teaching materials, budget, etc.
WP5 Dissemination and exploitation: Dissemination and exploitation
WP will deliver Dissemination strategy to ensure visibility of the project activities, outcomes, achievements, and regular information dissemination for specific and general public, enhancing communication with target groups (SMEs, farmers and farmers unions, Start-ups organizations, NGOs, HEIs and academic staff, similar international UA projects and professionals). WP will develop, promote and administrate project visual identity: logo, website with on-line database, distance learning platform, Green Entrepreneurship e-portal and android application, project social media pages, promotional materials, implement public campaigns, etc. As a part of dissemination strategy national three info days one open door day at 5 partner HEIs and UA international conference are planned.
WP6 Management: Project management
Project will be managed by elected managing bodies: Steering Committee, Quality Assurance Committee and WP leaders and vice leaders. Project management will ensure a smooth flow of the project activities, effective, adequate coordination and communication. Project administration office at Lead partner will ensure coordination of project activities on a daily basis, as well as organizing cross-functional teams’ online meet-ups to review progress, obtain output, and coordinate shared work process.